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19 Feb 2021

[20 FEB.2021] Geology ITB Greet: Solidarity for the Country #13



In the context of a series of Geology ITB webinars Greet: Solidarity for the Country, the Geological Engineering Study Program of ITB collaborated with the Education and Courses Sector IAGI and ASPRODITEGI to organize a webinar “Industrial Waste May Not Be the Only Source of Water Pollution” with resource persons Dr. Dasapta Erwin Irawan, at:


Day: Saturday, February 20, 2021

Time: 13.00-14.30 WIB


In connection with this, @itb_geologist, @iagi, and #asproditegi invite all IAGI ladies and gentlemen to join and learn together by registering via the link.


This activity also opened the opportunity to donate for disaster care programs. Donations can be sent to the Geology Study Program account as follows:


Mandiri Bank

a.n Mirzam Abdurrachman and Asep Saepuloh

No. REC. : 1300019268856


This is how this information is conveyed. Thank you for your attention, ladies and gentlemen.


Geology for Indonesia, Geology for All


Greetings AGAIN!

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